Video lectures on Electronic subjects
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Part 4:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Water Pump Controller
Here is a circuit that automatically controls the water pump motor. The motor gets automatically switched on when water in the overhead tank (OHT) falls below the lower limit. Similarly, it gets switched off when the tank is filled up. Built around only one NAND gate IC (CD4011), the circuit is simple, compact and economical. It works off a 12V DC power supply and consumes very little power.
#DTMF based #phones to communicate with a #robocar. Can you do it?
Visualization in MATLAB
Matrices in MATLAB
Vectors in MATLAB
Learning Module
Creating Vectors via Concatenation
Creating Uniformly Spaced Vectors (Colon Operator)
Creating Uniformly Spaced Vectors (linspace function)
Accessing Elements of a Vector
Conditional Data Selection
Vector Arithmetic
MATLAB Mathematical Operations
Learning Module
MATLAB Variables
MATLAB as a Calculator
Mathematical Functions
Logical Operators
Automatic Water Pump Motor Controller
Click here
Municipal corporations in many cities supply water during early morning hours. So, you have to wake up early, just to switch on your motor pump and wait till your water tank is filled up. Further, there is no control for overflow of the tank. Many times you come to know of your overflowing tank only when your neighbour informs you.
Reference: EFY's Electronics Design Community
Communication Theory- Unit -I - Review of Fourier and Hilbert Transforms - Amplitude Modulation AM, DSBSC, SSBSC - VSB - Spectral analysis of modulated signals Demodulation Square law, envelope detectors Superheterodyne receivers - Unit -II - Angle modulation PM and FM Narrow band, Wideband FM, Spectral analysis of modulated Signal - FM Modulators and FM Demodulators Discriminator, PLL, Stereo FM - Unit -III - Random variables, Central limit Theorem, Random Process, Stationary Processes, Mean, Correlation & Covariance functions- Power Spectral Density, Ergodic Processes, Gaussian Process - Unit -IV - Noise sources and types Noise figure and noise temperature Noise in cascaded systems. Narrow band noise PSD of in phase and quadrature noise Noise performance in AM systems - Noise performance in FM systems Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis Capture effect, threshold effect - Unit - V - Quantization ,Uniform and non-uniform quantization ,Quantization noise, Companding laws of speech signals , PCM, PCM, DPCM,ADPCM, DM, ADM -
Transmission Lines and Waveguides- Unit -I - Introduction to different types of transmission lines , Transmission line equation-solution -Input impedance-Introduction to planar transmission lines - Unit -II - Smith chart and applications - Standing waves - Quarter wave impedance transformer - Stub matching -single and double - Unit -IV - Characteristics of te &tm waves - Solution of wave equation in rectangular guides,te and tm modes,dominant mode - Attenuation , Waves between parallel planes -
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